Marskros - Grow Together
Welcome to Oluff Nilssons Väg, 8. You enter along the root. The door is at the sprouting point of this symbol of resilience, the dandelion, or “Maskros” in Swedish, “the rose of the worm”.
A diverse community of sundry origins, cultures and subcultures, people all ages, enter this door every day, and are the sap feeding the plant.
I got the feeling that many in this place know something about overcoming adversity. But whether we look at challenges that are personal, community-wide, or global, it’s by reaching out and joining forces that fresh life can break through the metaphoric cement we all face, keeping us down.
So the root of this mighty Maskros shows what feeds it, and it says: look up and find each other. We can reach higher, if we grow together, break through, and spread the seeds!
Växa tillsammans = grow together.
This mural was my interpretation of Mati Zyra Zemlia, the earth fertility principle and biodiversity genesis folktale from Slavic lore, suggested as a theme by Artscape Saga Festival, who made this project possible.
Many thanks to the community in Partille, near Göteborg, Sweden, and to the staff at Artscape.