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- BBC World Service - The Conversation, Message in a mural, The artist celebrating weeds (2021 by Jane Thurlow and Alice Gioia - BBC
- A Monumental 20-Story Wildflower Blooms Above Jersey City in a New Mural by Artist Mona Caron Grace Ebert - Colossal
- "Giant Mural of Local Community Leader With a Symbolic Plant Promotes Equality and Inclusivity in Brazil" Jessica Stewart, My Modern Met, March 31, 2022
- Massive 20-Story wildflower Sprouts From Jersey City Skyline (2021) By Margherita Cole - My Modern Met
- Milieu Magazine | Profiles: Mona Caron - “Growing up: A San Francisco muralist takes native growths and plants them in paint along the sides of buildings where they remain in bloom” David Masello, Milieu Magazine, summer 2018, (in print pp.52-56)
2019 San Francisco Chronicle feature in print.pdf
Artist Makes Big Mark With Political Murals 2019 - "Artist Makes Big Mark With Political Murals" 2 page print feature in the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper, by C. Desmarais, Jan5 2019
- San Francisco Chronicle Datebook feature 2019 by C. Desmarais San Francisco Chronicle, 2019
- Viral video on Bored Panda of Mona's work (2018) has millions of views on "Bored Panda" and "Bored Panda Art"
- The Botanical Artistry of K. Balirstone and Mona Caron 2018, radio interview on Cultivating Place, a program and podcast of North State Public Radio.(interview with Mona starts at minute 23 of podcast.)
- "Artist Makes Bold Statements With Giant Plants" by Megan Michelson, Outside Magazine, as part of the section "People who inspired us in 2018" in December 2018 issue
- Radio story on PRI's The World by Ali Budner,"A muralist is painting weeds to represent the margins of society" on Public Radio International, The World, Aug 30, 2016
- A Ribwort Plantain Grows, Four Stories High, in San Francisco by Ali BudnerBay Nature Magazine, August 24, 2016
JUXTAPOZ magazine - August 2015 Print issue - Profile Mona Caron.pdf
"Mona Caron and Her Giant Tiny Weeds" - by Lalé Shafagi,JUXTAPOZ Magazine, print issue n.175
- "Finding Peace in the Fight Against Climate Change" Joe Solomon,The Daily Good, December 2015
- "Weeds take root beautifully in San Francisco" Jeri Lynn ChandlerSan Francisco Examiner
- Mona Caron’s Murals of Weeds Slowly Overtake Walls and Buildings Christopher Jobson,This Is COLOSSAL, Dec 2014
- I Paint Weed Murals That Slowly Take Over The City (Gifs+Video) by Mona Caron,on Bored Panda
- Beautiful Outdoor Murals of Weeds by Mona Caron (new Video) by EDW Lynch,Laughing Squid, Dec 2014
- “The Market Street Railway Mural in SF” street art, JUXTAPOZ Feb 1, 2012
- The Slow, Beautiful Road to Community on the Streets Chris CarlssonStreetsblog , March 25th, 2009
- CIW march on Publix & Theater Pageant, Tampa FL - CIW video
- “San Francisco Has a 'Transparent' Mural: Now You See It, Now You Don't” John Metcalfe, CityLab blog, Aug 15 2013
- "Street Art Comes in From the Cold" April Dembosky,Mention, full page width img in Sunday New York Times, March 4th 2009
- “A Brush With the Tenderloin” 20 min Emmy winning documentary by Paige Bierma, Truly CA, KQED
- “Mona The Muralist” Kate Stilley Steiner,video for SWI Swissinfo, Jan 17 2011
- “An Interview with Mona Caron, Muralist in San Francisco” Franco Folini, BAIA network, August 3, 2009
- “Wallflowers -Artist Mona Caron Beautifies the Tenderloin to Bring Out The Best in the Community” Sara Hayden, The Daily Californian, Dec 3, 2009
- “In new film, Tenderloin finds uplift in participatory public artwork” Erica Reder, Public Press May 19, 2011
- "Mona Caron’s New Mural, Windows Into the Tenderloin" Hugh D'Andrade, Laughing Squid, March 2010
- Noe Valley comes alive in new murals Josh GreenSan Francisco Chronicle Newspaper, October 2008
- Painting The Town Josh Green,San Francisco Chronicle Newspaper, December 2007
- When a wall is a window Jonathan ZwickelSF Bay Guardian, 2004
- The Market Street Railway Mural as described by the Market Street Railway Co.
first Interview with Mona Caron Med-OCounter Pulse
The Wiggle Mural Chris CarlssonProcessed World Magazine, 2001
- 2023 - Una particolare pianta si fa strada sui muri di Chiasso Federica Ciommiento, La Regione, TI, 24 Agosto 2023
- 2023 - "Le eroiche piantine di Mona Caron si arrampicano sui muri di tutto il mondo." Video di Lorena Pianezza e Debora Huber, Cult+ (09.03.2023)
- 2021 - Mona Caron e la riconquista della natura degli spazi urbani Giacomo Rizza, La Regione (Ticino) 26 ottobre 2021
- Dal Ticino ai muri del mondo: Alla scoperta di Mona Caron, artista ticinese rinomata oltre confine soprattutto per i suoi murales Emiliano Guanella - about the mural in São Paulo's Minhocão.RSI News - 8/8/2015
- Berna-Roma-LA#25: Mona Caron - San Francisco sceglie i Murales per riqualificare la città - VIDEO Daniele Compatangelo. Video of Mona showing her murals in San Francisco and beyond.TV, 1/2015
- Le Signore Delle Erbe Claudia Iseli. TV Doc about 3 women who work with Weeds, in medicine, Cooking, and art (Mona in the latter section)RSI La1 - Oct 2014
- “Al muro l’utopia! Mona Caron, una ticinese a San Francisco” Vasco Dones, Cult-tv, RSI LA1 (6' segment on Swiss state television) Feb 5, 2012
I Colori del Ticino sulle strade di San Francisco.pdf
article by Davide Paggi, Corriere Del Ticino (Swiss Italian daily newspaper) March 4, 2013
Il senso di un murales - il maxitarassaco di Mona Caron a Mendrisio.pdf
article Alfredo Carcano, L’Informatore (Swiss Italian weekly local newspaper) Nov 8 2013
La Fioritura del Muro.pdf
article by Clara Storti, La Regione (Swiss Italian daily newspaper) Jun 4, 2014
La magica danza sul muro del tarassaco officinale.pdf
article Alberto Nessi, Corriere Del Ticino (Swiss Italian daily newspaper) Jun 6 2014
- “Mona Caron, muralista Ticinese a San Francisco” Franco Folini, Punto.Ponte, Feb 1, 2014
- “I murales di Mona Caron a San Francisco” Anna Volpicelli, Marie Claire magazine, 11 Dec 2012
- Short video on Brazil ESPN, Bike é Legal, interview in italian with portuguese subtitles, by Renata Falzoni
- On Mona spreading dandelion seeds in Switzerland and Italy - VIDEO - TV segment on Swiss state TV (Turné, RSI LA1, Jun 8 2014).Starts at minute 14.
- “La bellezza dipinta sui muri” Editor, L’Informatore (Swiss Italian weekly local newspaper) Jun 8 2014
Interview with Mona Eva LautenbachTre Terre (Switzerland) 2007
- 2021 - Empenas de Mona Caron na cidade (2021) Metropolis - TV Cultura
- Artista suíça grafita erva gigante em prédio ao lado do Minhocão Renata FalzoniTV Gazeta 7-2015
- "A Arte Sustentavel da Mona Caron" Dionisio Arte, DIONISIO MAG 2017
- Pinturas que parecem ter vida própria Eduardo Vanini,O Globo - blogs 12/2014
- A artista que tem espalhado sua street art de plantas gigantes pelas cidades... por Redação, Hypeness Brazil, 12/ 2014
- “A arte de Mona Caron nos muros de Porto Alegre” Aline Cavalcante, Vádebike, abril 2014
- “Mona Caron: uma flor para Curitiba” Redação, Sou+bike, Brazil, fevereiro 2014
- "Mona Caron conta porque escolheu criar murais" video Renata Falzoni | Bike é Legal - ESPN Brazil
- “Intervenção urbana” Marcela Campos, Gazeta do Povo - Entrelinhas Gazeta do Povo - Entrelinhas
- 2023 - Mona Caron: Haute en couleur Carol Haefliger, RTS (Radio-Télévision Suisse) - Mise Au point - March 26, 2023
- L’artiste Mona Caron peint une fleur monumentale sur un immeuble de 20 étages (2021) de Justine Mellado - Creapills
- "Artiste Engagée, Mona Caron, Colore Les Villes Du Monde Avec Ses Fresques" Léa Garson,Feminin Bio, 2019
2023 june issue Art Passions Magazine AP73_LR - Mona cover Article.pdf
Mona Caron - Jungles Urbaines Arthur Dreyfus, Art Passions Magazine
- Ici La Suisse, le musée à ciel ouvert d’art urbain du Locle (radio interview avec Mona, 2021) Radiotélévision Suisse
2019 Diaporama_Guardiennes de la Terre_2019.pdf
Gardiennes De La Terre Léa Garson,Diaporama (About mural in Ecuador) FB 2019